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Converting Excel Files to SDMX

The IMF SDMX Central offers a data conversion service for excel datasets. 


Step 1 Home Page

In SDMX Central, you must click the ‘Convert’ button on the home page.

The ‘Convert’ button takes you to an interactive form for uploading data. 

Step 2 Load data with two options

Option 1: Quick Convert with Drag-and-Drop


Drag and drop an excel file from your local drive into the drop zone (the grey box show in the image above).  You can do this by having opened your computer browser to the folder where you file is stored.

The source file will be analyzed for conversion. If the data file contains information about the source Data Structure Definition (DSD) or Dataflow, SDMX Central will automatically convert the data into SDMX format and the SDMX file will be automatically be generated. A pop-up box will help you save the SDMX file on your local drive.

If the data file does not contain information about the DSD, or if it references an unknown DSD, additional pop-up boxes will ask for this information to be provided, as shown in the image below.   

A summary pop-up box will surface, which highlights the outcomes of the conversion (see image below). In some cases, additional warnings and instructions may appear to alert users of potential issues in the conversion.

NOTE: An excel file can fail conversion and an SDMX file will not be generated if certain issues exists – see article on Conversion Checks

SDMX Central provides a detailed report on the checks that were performed on the dataset. To review these checks in detail, please click on ‘View Conversion Report’, which will show a breakdown of test results as described in Step 3: Dataset Conversion Report section.

Option 2: Load from file 

Click on Choose File to browse and select the Excel data file that needs to be converted.

Click on Load Data to submit the Excel data file for validation against EcoFin DSD.

To convert data from Excel to SDMX the following choices are required: 

Data Source: Load from file
Data Format: XLS
Data Structure: Auto Detect
Data File: Browse and select desired file

Similar to the Drag-and-Drop feature above, the source file will be analyzed for conversion. If the data file contains information about the source Data Structure Definition (DSD) or Dataflow, SDMX Central will automatically navigate you to the Conversion Report. Additional pop-ups may appear if more information is needed.

Note: if the Data Structure: Auto Detect prompts you (see below example), and you are unsure of the required selection, you are encouraged to seek SDMX Central Support at

Step 3 Dataset Conversion Report

The ‘Dataset Details’ report, shown below, lists all relevant information acquired during conversion. 

Particular attention should be paid to the test results at the bottom of the page.  

If the validation is successful, the system will display the results as below.

If there is an error, the report, will display the results as below. Errors are limited to the first 60 per category. 

Click on Convert Data to generate the SDMX file. As long as the Convert Data button is blue, the dataset can be converted even if it triggers any of the errors listed above. Only specific errors prevent conversion – see article on Conversion Checks.

Step 4 Click on Download
to generate the required SDMX file.

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